Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Should I paint or stain my trim?

I have been asked recently by a couple of clients what to do about their wall trim after they install their flooring. Should you paint trim to set it apart from the floor or should you buy the same type of wood that is used on the floor and stain it?

In my humble opinion, I think painting the base molding really helps to make the floor stand on its own. In other words, when you stain base shoe, quarter round or base molding to match the wood floor it tends to make the floor look like its crawling up the wall. Add to this that it is a good possibility that it will be very difficult to get an exact match on staining trim work and I think it makes the case for painting even better. It's a situation where just getting close on the color looks worse than being completely different. Look at these pictures below and decide for yourself.

Above: Stained shoe molding makes the flooring look like its crawling up the wall and doesn't set it apart from the trim.

Above: Painted base shoe and trim distinguishes the floor from the wall.